What is the Recommended Font and Font Size for a Professional Resume?

When it comes to creating a professional resume, font and font size are two of the most important elements to consider. According to Fleming, the ideal font size is 12, as it is a contemporary font that is neither too modern nor outdated. It is perfect for today's resumes. If you use a professional resume builder, you can fill out your resume and then experiment with fonts and designs to find the one that best fits without having to start over.

Garamond is a thinner font, making it ideal for those who need to include a lot of information in their resume or are creating an academic resume. Times New Roman is an excellent choice if you want to give a sense of professionalism similar to that of countless books, magazines, and reports. Most fonts between sizes 10 and 12 make the content of your resume clear enough for an employer to read. Microsoft commissioned Lucas de Groot, a Dutch type designer, to create Calibri to replace Times New Roman as the default font for Office. The best font combinations match each other, work together in harmony, and don't fight for the reader's attention.

Calibri's modern look creates an elegant and professional appearance, making it ideal for job seekers who want to highlight their contemporary skills and qualifications. Arial's readability in small font sizes, even in printed format, makes it ideal for candidates looking to include all the necessary information in their resume on a single page.Book Antiqua is a Microsoft clone of the Palatino font, one of the most popular in the industry, and is one of the best serif fonts for resumes. However, it can be perceived as informal, making it not ideal for formal industries such as law or finance where a more traditional look would be preferred. Georgia's design is easy to read even at smaller font sizes, making it a perfect choice for job seekers who want to highlight their achievements in a limited space. Times New Roman is a classic serif font that was created in 1931 for The Times newspaper and has since become one of the most popular fonts.

When creating a professional resume, it is important to choose the right font and font size that will make your qualifications stand out from the crowd. By taking into account factors such as readability and professionalism, you can create an effective resume that will help you land your dream job.