Quantifying Achievements and Results on a Resume

When it comes to creating a resume that stands out, quantifying your achievements and results is key. Adding numbers to your accomplishments can help you demonstrate the impact of your work and make your resume more attractive to potential employers. But how do you quantify your achievements?One way to quantify your achievements is to include dollar amounts and percentages linked to revenue generation. If you have won contracts or offers, you can include the number of those won.

You can also include the amount of money you have saved or the percentage of internal performance benchmarks achieved. Additionally, if you have increased market share or served a certain number of customers, these are also great metrics to include. Think about all the things you do that will ultimately save your company money, such as streamlining procedures, saving time, or negotiating discounts with suppliers. Multiply these actions by the frequency with which you perform them and enter them in the bullet points of your resume (remember, approximate numbers are fine). Brainstorm your responsibilities and professional achievements to find quantifiable bullet points for your resume. Another way to quantify your achievements is to provide examples in the form of vignettes.

These should be carefully selected from successful resumes and provide context for each quantified achievement. This metric works best with sales and business positions that directly generate revenue; not all jobs lend themselves to being quantified this way. Finally, according to a recent study, many hiring managers prefer to view resumes with bulleted lists of achievements in the work experience section.