How to Use Keywords and Phrases to Appeal to Employers

When crafting a resume, it is important to look for words and phrases that demonstrate the attitude, behavior, and communication skills that employers are seeking. For instance, if the job description mentions teamwork, collaboration, or innovation, these words should be included in the resume to show that you possess these qualities. Your resume is a reflection of your professional reputation, so make sure it is up-to-date and accurately reflects your abilities. Natalie Gullatt has managed to fit five years of experience into a single page resume, an impressive feat for ambitious marketers. Rather than relying on a generic objective statement, create a “key skills” or “abilities” section at the top of your resume.

This section should be in column format and should highlight the six or nine core skills that are applicable to the position you are applying for. Alternatively, you can read through your entire resume to ensure that all relevant work skills are included. To emphasize your work experience, use the key phrases you have identified in the “work experience” section of your resume. The employer or digitization program will then scan your resume for keywords and phrases that match what they are looking for. To ensure that your resume is found by these programs, include the keywords throughout your resume.

Before writing anything on your resume, it is important to determine your messaging strategy. To do this, review job offers that are similar to those you are interested in and look for keywords that can be incorporated into your resume. You can also take a look at sample marketing resumes from professionals with several years of experience and marketing disciplines. Once you have reviewed these resumes, use the tips below to personalize yours and make it stand out from the crowd. The HubSpot podcast network is an excellent resource for business professionals who want to learn how to grow their business.

While there is an old saying that resumes should be limited to one page, experienced marketers may find it difficult to fit all their information into a single page without compromising readability and design. If an employer is looking for an accountant with “experience” processing invoices and daily credits, use similar language in their resume. To find this information, the system converts your resume into plain text and scans it according to established criteria.